
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Cossu, E. (2023a). Clustering and Analysing Relevant Policy Dimensions of Populist, Left-Wing, Centrist, and Right-Wing Parties across Europe. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 17(1), 41–54. (GitHub Code)

Cossu, E. (2023b). The Economic Effect Of Populist Rhetoric In Hungary. Online Journal of Modelling the New Europe, 41, 105–138.

Cossu, E. (2021). Understanding Contemporary Populism Through the Latin American Experience. AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science, 20(3), Article 3.

Borges Aguiar G. M., & Cossu E. (2019). The Gravity Model for Trade Theory. Köz-gazdaság, 14(3), Article 3.

Under Peer-Review

Cossu E. (2024). Application of Natural Language Processing to the Electoral Manifestos of Parties Characterised by Populist Rhetoric in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Journal of Society and Politics. (Forthcoming)

Works in Progress

Measuring Negative Mentions of Multiculturalism in France Using Text Data and Machine Learning

Measuring Illiberalism Using Text Data and Machine Learning


Cossu, E., Cointet, J.-P., Froio, C., Lachat, R., & Rovny, J. (2023). Literature Review on How to Measure Illiberalism Using Text Data. SciencesPo.

Duysak, E., Thornton, I., Cossu, E., Martin, A., Martin, I., D’Arcy, Wishart, R., Philips, D., & Dimova, S. (2023). Yorkshire and Humber COVID-19 campaign pilot: Evaluation report (GOV-15058). UK Health Security Agency.

Kerr, J., Morgan, MacNaboe, L., Cossu, E., Barton-Crosby, J., Fugard, A., & Sciarra, A. (2023). LNK Educate: Feasibility and pilot study. Youth Endowement Foundation.

Other Publications

2024, Populists in Europe: A Political Group with Its Distinct Policy Preferences?, AuthLIB Blog

2022, A Small Country Trying To Go Big, A Big Union Trying Not To Go Small, Australian Institute of International Affairs

2021, Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Latin America could change the international order, ECPR The Loop

2020, Book Review: The Glass Half-Empty: Debunking the Myth of Progress in the Twenty-First Century by Rodrigo Aguilera, LSE Review of Books